We hold courses and seminars on genealogy to groups and to the public at large.
Partial List of Courses:
Introduction to Genealogy: Introductory course for the beginning researcher -
Genealogy and the Internet: A comprehensive course for tracing your family roots using the Internet -
Advanced course in genealogy via the Internet: Designed for those wishing to enhance their knowledge and improve their genealogical Internet search skills -
Family roots study for gifted children - A 13 - session course for gifted students, exposing them to the wonders of genealogy -
Genealogy Workshops - A series of topical workshops in genealogical research (single 1.5 hour sessions) -
Tracing family roots in the United States -
Tracing family roots in Hungary and Rumania -
Tracing family roots in Lithuania -
Tracing family roots in Poland -
Cemeteries and reading gravestones -
Topical archives in Israel -
Using Google for genealogical research